Franchell Boswell* - (1964-1971) – First National President
As the first National President, Lady Boswell's focus was on incorporation, growing the membership by chartering 14 chapters, and adopting the first Constitution.The first Editor-of-the-Crown was appointed. Hers were the "developmental years" when the founders concentrated on "spreading the word" and building the foundation.

LaVerne Madlock* - (1971 - 1975) – Second National President
Lady Madlock's theme was "Shapers of Change – a Continuing Commitment." During this administration, the National Program Thrusts: Top Teens of America, Senior Citizens, Community Beautification, and Status of Women, were created and TLOD began support of National Projects UNCF and NAACP. The organization continued to grow, refine and shape its legal structure through its governance guidelines. Eleven (11) additional chapters were chartered and the National Hymn was written by Lady Fredda Witherspoon.The Honorable Congresswoman Barbara Jordan became TLOD's first Honorary Member.

Faye B. Bryant* - (1975 - 1979) – Third National President
Lady Bryant's administration theme was "TLOD: Shapers of Change – A Continuing Commitment". Under her leadership, the National Membership Program was initiated, the first Top Teens National Scholarships were presented, and NCNW was added as an affiliate of TLOD. Nine chapters were chartered.

Vivian Crawley* - (1979 - 1983) – Fourth National President
The Crawley years were devoted to "TLOD: Shapers of Change – A Continuing Commitment." Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks became the second Honorary Member. Fourteen (14) chapters were chartered.

Bobbie Moorehead - (1983 - 1987) – Fifth National President
Lady Moorehead's administration was known as "The Networking Years – Networking to Serve Youth and Adults." Thirty-four (34) chapters were chartered including the first International Chapter – Montego Bay. Five Honorary members were inducted: Daisy Bates, Ophelia Devore Mitchell, Dorothy Height, Jacqueline Vaughn and Deborah Cannon-Wolfe. TLOD was invited to the White House and showcased in Jet Magazine. TLOD took up the causes of Assault on Illiteracy (AOIP), National Black Leadership Roundtable, The National Foundation – March of Dimes and the National Urban League.

Jacquelyn Heath Parker - (1987 - 1991) – Sixth National President
Lady Parker's theme was "Orbiting Towards the 21st Century." This administration developed the Program of Work, the ritualistic ceremony for Founders' Day, gained corporate sponsors - Anheuser Bush, Nabisco, Coors, the Regal Foundation and Pepsi, areas and chapters became tax exempt units under National Office, the TTA pledge of $25,000 to UNCF was realized, the first scholarship from the Franchell Boswell Endowment Fund was granted, the building fund was established, nineteen (19) chapters were chartered and Honorary Member, Mrs. Margaret Adams, was inducted.

Marie Stellos* - (1991 - 1995) – Seventh National President
Lady Stellos' theme was "Programming our Thrusts for Greater Advancement in the 21st Century." These were the programming years. The first business office was established, marketing brochures were created, TLOD prayer was approved, sixteen (16) chapters were chartered, membership grew to 3,300, all governance documents were revised, an attorney and a tax accountant were hired, and the first TLOD choir was formed.

Dorothy Allen Chimney - (1995 - 1999) – Eighth National President
Lady Chimney's theme was "Serving with Unity of Purpose." This administration focused on unity and the mentoring of our youth. Program directives were initiated, the first leadership academy was held in Greensboro, N.C., the fifth program thrust – community partnerships was initiated, the collaboration with March of Dimes "Healthy Choices: Your Future and You" began, the National Headquarters Campaign was initiated, "me and My Mentor" was initiated, the crown and orchid were trademarked, Honorary members Dr. Gloria Scott and the Honorable Maxine Waters were inducted, and eight chapters were chartered.

Vivien Coe Richard* - (1999 - 2003) – Ninth National President
Lady Richard's theme was "Continuity of Total Quality Programming: TLOD 2000 . . . Soaring to New Heights of Service." This administration developed the Program Resource Manual, established the first TLOD website, initiated a TTA Technical Scholarship, established the first National TTA Leadership Academy, charteredfour chapters, and inductedHonorary Members Anita Bunkley and Jane E. Smith.

Peggy Lewis LeCompte - (2003 - 2007) – 10th National President
Lady LeCompte's theme was "Mobilizing Youth and Adults to Provide Global Service and 21st Century Leadership." This administration developed the signature program for Top Teens of America – M.O.M.E.N.T.U.M., initiated Boys and Girls Booked on Barbershops, the 140 Club, placed an historic marked in Tyler, TX, added Sickle Cell Disease Awareness as a Project, held a leadership Summit in St. Louis, MO, solicited funds for Hurricane Katrina, established official headquarters in Houston, TX, hired the first Executive Director, chartered fourteen (14) chapters, and inductedHonorary Members Frankie Muse Freeman, Charlotte Maull, Eunice Dudley, and Hazel Brown.

Lady Jackie Pope - (2007 - 2011) – 11th National President
Lady Pope's theme was "Empowering Youth and Adults to Provide Exemplary Service with Passion and Purpose." This administration developed a relationship with Rice University to host the TTA Leadership Academy for three years, raised outside funding for National programs, developed the first Strategic Plan, donated $8,500 to the MLK Memorial, instituted National Day of Service, supported Desks and Pencils for South Africa Project, hosted TLOD sponsored event in Washington D.C. for the inauguration of President Barack Obama, initiated a program to restore and preserve African American cemeteries, and chartered eleven (11) chapters.

Lady Audrie L. Lawton - (2011 - 2015) – 12th National President
Lady Lawton's theme was "TLOD: Impacting our Future Through Positive Interventions in the Lives of our Youth, our Community, and our Legacy with Effective Volunteerism." This administration's focus was on Top Teens and programs versus activities. Chapters captured reporting in a chapter report book, a STEM Program for 9th grade girls was initiated, pilot programs with Keep America Beautiful and ATEAAM/TLOD Teens to Men were initiated, a partnership with Sisters Network was formed, online registration and other technology was utilized, additional scholarships were awarded, dues were increased to support technology and to fund the TTA Leadership Academy, chartered 6 chapters, and inducted Honorary Members, Dr. Barbara Shaw, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, and Yolanda Moore.

Lady Drema Lee Woldman - (2015 - 2019) – 13th National President
Lady Woldman's theme was "Investing in V.A.L.U.E.S. that Support, Enhance, and Sustain.” The acronym “Values” represented Volunteerism, Advocacy, Leadership, Unity, Empowerment and Social Responsibility. This administration focused on “investing” in our communities as well as the membership with relevant programming, awareness and/or training. The TTA curriculum was enhanced to include a bullying initiative, spelling bees, debate team, the TTA St. Jude Walk, and Blessings in a Backpack. Partnerships were formed with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child, Health & Human Development (NICHD), AARP, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, The Balm in Gilead and the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. Diabetes, Clinical Trials and health disparities in African Americans were front and center. STEM became STEAM and an Arts component was added to the TTA Leadership Academy. The first academy took place at NASA and the second was an HBCU bus tour to eight STEAM colleges and universities. TLOD’s technology was greatly enhanced with a membership management database, WHOVA app, all forms of social media, webinars, etc. More focus was given to leadership development through institutes, clinics and workshops, standardized the code of ethics and developed a Code of Conduct. Moved into new headquarters, chartered seventeen (17) chapters, and inducted honorary members Myrlie Evers-Williams, Dr. Pernessa Seele, Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, and Dr. Juanita Sims Doty. This administration received over $175,000 in grants and a $500,000 pledge over a ten year period to be awarded to students who major in the Fine Arts.
Lady Sharon J. Beard - (2019 - 2023) – 14th National President & CEO
Lady Beard’s presidency, themed “Celebrating our Legacy…TLOD Transforming Lives and Making a Difference, One Teen, One Lady, and One Community at a Time (TLC),” navigated the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing a quick pivot in operations. Under her leadership, the organization launched the 55 Random Acts of Kindness initiative, developed the 5 Star Chapter criteria, and clearly defined the TLOD mission in the 2019-2023 National Program Resource Guide. Innovative tools like the Post Evaluation Electronic Volunteer Hourly Reporting Tool and the National On-line TTA Electronic Academic/Technical Scholarship Application were created, with the first three $10,000 national scholarships awarded. The ExCEL Engagement Program, National TTA Program, and various training initiatives were introduced, with 652 ladies certified through the TLOD Model of Excellence Leadership Development Training Certification Program.
In response to pandemic challenges, the organization hosted two Virtual Parliamen-Tops, enhanced technological capabilities, and developed the 2020-2025 National Strategic Plan. Over 6,000 personal hygiene products were donated, and virtual inductions were approved for 1,579 ladies and 1,285 Top Teens. The first historic virtual 42nd Syn-Lod attracted 2,050 attendees, and the Virtual Vivien Coe Richard National TTA Leadership Academy was launched. Key achievements included the first Virtual National Awards Competitions, the inaugural Sickle Cell Disease Awareness TLOD Day at the Capitol, and the Club, which raised over $195,000 in two years. Lady Beard’s administration chartered 13 chapters, introduced a Royal Court Coronation, and inducted honorary members Dr. Thelma T. Daley and Dr. Johnetta Betsch Cole. The National President also expanded TLOD's visibility by appearing on multiple platforms and collaborating with prominent figures like Sybil Wilkes and Sunny Hostin. |